As I continue my quest of trying to figure out what the hell my children will eat, I jump at any opportunity to make something resembling healthy. By jump, I do mean I notice something, feed them the crappy version for as long as I can then eventually get around to looking for a recipe and may actually make the recipe. So, they love Cliff Bars. Awesome. Balanced, real food, somewhat healthy and enough calories to get them moving and add some meat to those skinny ass legs. I found this dope website, that, amongst several other crack-like recipes, had a recipe for a no-bake Cliff Bar! Whoop Whoop!!
So I tried to make them.

I'm not going to lie, honey, molasses and peanut butter smells damn good cooking.
They were good. Not great, not as soft at the actual Cliff Bars. I am going to pick up some peanuts and brown rice syrup next time I am at the store and see if that makes a difference. The taste is a bit too molassesissy (nice) for me, so I am going to either try the brown rice syrup or just use straight honey. I think using peanuts instead of almonds may hide that flavor a bit more. So, we will see. Ruby spit it out and Adriana ran out of the kitchen and hid in her room...